During the drier seasons of the year, house fires are more common. Follow these tips to avoid a house fire:
-Blow out candles before leaving a room
-Never leave a candle burning when you’re not home
-Remove all flammable materials nearby before lighting a candle
-Make sure children understand how to be safe around candles
-Always smoke outside
-Dispose of Cigarette butts properly
-Don’t smoke in bed
Electrical and Lighting- especially heating equipment
-Never overload outlets
-Don’t leave plugged in lights, appliances, etc on overnight or when not at home
Washers and Dryers
-Clean the lint trap after every use
-Have a vent from your dryer leading outside to avoid overheating
-Clean regularly
-Never burn near a house
-During storms, unplug electronics
-Avoid plumbing, windows, and doors.
Children Playing with Fire
-Teach fire safety to children
-Put away all flammable objects, matches, candles, etc
Christmas Trees
-Especially in dry climates, Christmas trees are a fire hazard once they begin drying out. Never leave the Christmas lights on when you aren’t home. Dispose of tree as soon as holiday is over.
-Water them regularly to avoid drying out
-Don’t leave food unattended
-Grease fires are common- never throw water on them. Simply turn off the heat and place the lid on top of the pan.
-Keep all flammable items away from fire
-Make sure all of your smoking detectors are working properly
Inadequate wiring
-Signs of inadequate wiring are: Fuses blowing frequently, dimming lights when plugging in an appliance, and using too many extension cords.
If you have experienced a house fire, caused by one of these things or something else, please call Tactical Restoration today!